How to Generate the Training Analytics Completion Record Report in train trac™

How to Generate the Training Analytics Completion Record Report in train trac™

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How to Generate the Training Analytics Completion Record Report in train tracâ„¢

  1. Login to train tracâ„¢ with Administrator permissions.

  2. Select Oversee, Training Analytics

  3. Search or Scroll to find and select the training module for which you wish to generate the report.

  4. Select the Completion Record tab at the top right

  5. Select on the Export icon at the top right

  6. The Filter by position or facility dialog box will appear.  By default all positions and all facilities are selected. See below for more information on filtering 

  7. Select Export to generate an Excel/Sheets formatted report. 

  8. The report progress bar will be displayed at the lower right. Once the bar turns green, select the download arrow icon.  This will save the report to your computer or device.  The report can be opened, edited, renamed and printed in Excel or Google Sheets.

Screen Image

How to use the Filter by position or facility:

By default all positions and facilities are selected and all facilities are collapsed. There are several filtering options:  

Select the Clear all option at the bottom if you wish to deselect all users.

Select the Expand/Collapse icon next to each facility/site to show/hide the job positions for each facility/site.

Select the + circle icon next to each position you would like to include on the report. Once selected, the green checkmark circle icon will appear to denote the position has been selected.

Selecting the green check mark icon will de-select or remove the position from being included on the report.

At least one position must be selected to enable the Export button to generate the report.

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